“Tabakfabrik Linz” (Tobacco Factory in Upper Austria) defines itself as a universal factory of the future, a condensed space of art and research, science and creative business, industry, and crafts, education and training; a new district centered on the creative power of people. According to a study by KMU research Austria and the Linz Institute for Qualitative Studies, Tabakfabrik Linz is a beacon of Upper Austria’s creative industries and recently completed its 1st construction phase. “Building 1” and “Magazine 3” are now fully occupied and already in operation.

Tabakfabrik Linz – Peter Behrens und Alexander Popp – Conversion: Stögmüller Architekten___©_KURT HOERBST 2020
In the course of this construction stage, Immobilien Linz GmbH organized the project management via Datenpool. In addition to the client team, the general planner, the project management, the local site supervision, as well as the tenant coordination and the executing companies, primarily used the platform for communication, central information distribution, and transparent, traceable plan delivery and documentation.
In addition to individual authorizations, documents could be easily organized and processed in 14 different authorization groups using standardized workflows. The documentation was jointly filled in by all participants in a predefined structure and made available to the client after project completion. As a result, all data is automatically checked by all participants and can be retrieved at any time even after the project, which is a great advantage, especially in the case of later conversions or new constructions in the project.